As senior leaders, we always want to cultivate a positive mental space that allows us to focus on prioritizing the things that matter.
However, sometimes we continue pushing forward through the chaos of life, even when it isn’t the right thing to do, and we don’t know how to reduce that noise that distracts us from the focus we need to succeed.
That’s why I’m sharing how–after I felt a little burned out between settling into a brand-new house, summer travel, business, personal and family essentials–I managed to do the right thing; to stop, take a break, and give myself that grace and guidance to go forward.
I shared the following points:
– Why taking a break is important for senior leaders
– How noise distracts us from focusing on priorities
– How to intentionally reduce noise
Postponing my weekly live show two weeks ago was my call, and it was one of the best things I’ve done to get myself back on track.
Don’t miss the Best Places to Lead Show every Thursday at 3:30 PM Eastern Time!
Don’t miss out on all the good stuff that is coming your way!
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